Erdung und Balance im Körper erfahren Shine with Shiatsu

Body in balance. 7 effective ways to ground yourself

Shine with shiatsu journal Body in balance. 7 effective ways to ground yourself Too many thoughts can make us feel unbalanced. They usually focus on what has happened in the past or what will happen in the future. Very often we are more in our heads than in our bodies. The best way to reconnect with the present moment is to

Why we all need time for nothing

Shine with shiatsu journal Why we all need time for nothing I felt a sense of relief when the door has closed. Shortly before leaving, my eyes caught a pile of dirty dishes on the kitchen table. I’ve turned away pretending they’re not there. When I sat in the S-bahn, I could feel the tiredness around me. It was early afternoon. The train

30 days, 30 walks and a new rhythm that awakens in me

Shine with shiatsu journal 30 days, 30 walks and a new rhythm that awakens in me I once heard that it takes 28 days to develop a new habit. Some say only 3 weeks are enough if you really stick to it. I never really thought about it until recently, when I discovered a new habit for myself by chance. It is